Minnesota Principals Survey (MnPS)
The goal of the Minnesota Principals Survey (MnPS), generously funded by the Minneapolis Foundation and the Joyce Foundation, is to elevate principal voice. All principals, assistant principals, and charter school directors in the state of Minnesota are invited to participate in the MnPS on a biannual basis. The inaugural MnPS was administered in November 2021 and resulted in the publication of numerous reports and policy briefs, accessible here. The second and most recent iteration of the survey was administered in November 2023; reports and key findings from the 2023 MnPS are described and linked below.
2023 Survey
These are from the most recent (second) iteration of the MnPS. Older reports stemming from the initial iteration in 2021 are available here.
Executive Summary
The executive summary covers the key findings and takeaways from the 2023 survey results, highlighting changes vs. the initial 2021 survey results. It is not intended to replace the full report.

Full report
The main report provides a full analysis of the findings of the second administration of the Minnesota Principals Survey, conducted in November 2023, and compares results to findings from the initial survey, conducted in November 2021.

Recommendation Guides
Recommendations for Policymakers
This guide summarizes our research team’s recommendations for state policymakers and leaders, including legislators and the Minnesota Department of Education
based on 2023 MnPS and 2024 follow-up focus group findings.

Recommendations for District Leaders
This guide summarizes our research team’s recommendations for school boards and district leaders based on 2023 MnPS and 2024 follow-up focus group findings.

Recommendations for Principal Preparation & PD Providers
This guide summarizes our research team’s recommendations for principal preparation and professional development providers based on 2023 MnPS and 2024 follow-up focus group findings.

Policy and Practice Briefs
Policy & Practice Brief: CRSL
This brief summarizes MnPS and follow-up focus group findings on Culturally Responsive School Leadership (CRSL).

Policy & Practice Brief: Staff Mental Health
This brief summarizes MnPS and follow-up focus group findings on addressing challenges related to staff mental health.

Policy & Practice Brief: Student Mental Health
This brief summarizes MnPS and follow-up focus group findings on addressing challenges related to student mental health.

Policy & Practice Brief: Leaders of Color
This brief summarizes MnPS and follow-up focus group findings about the professional experiences of leaders of color.

Policy & Practice Brief: State Policy Changes
This brief summarizes MnPS and follow-up focus group findings on state policy changes affecting K-12 schools made during the 2023 and 2024 legislative sessions.

Policy & Practice Brief: Self-Efficacy
This brief summarizes MnPS and follow-up focus group findings on principal self-efficacy (or the extent to which principals believe they have the abilities and resources necessary to carry out their roles).

Work with MnPS Data in Tableau
Tableau is a data visualization platform that allows anyone to access the de-identified data from the Minnesota Principals Survey. The data can be accessed by the type of question as explained on the Table of Contents tab. From there it can be disaggregated by numerous variables including participant race/ethnicity, gender, school level, and others. Thank you to the Minneapolis Foundation and Joyce Foundation, whose funding makes this possible. We hope that researchers and graduate students in MN Schools of Education, the Minnesota Department of Education, and others may find this data useful in their work.
Access 2023 Data via Tableau
This link provides access to work with the most recent MnPS data (2023)

Access 2021 Data via Tableau
This link provides access to work with MnPS data from the previous iteration of the survey (2021)

Learn how to use Tableau to work with MnPS data
In the media
- What Principals Tell Us They Need
Katie Pekel and Amy LaDue. MSBA Journal, July 2022 - Survey: Principals' Biggest Concern is Lack of Mental Health Support for Staff, Students
KARE 11, April 2022 - U of M Principals Survey Reveals Challenges, Optimism, and the Need for Support Among Public Schools Leaders
UMN Twin Cities News, April 2022
Frequently asked questions
What is The Minnesota Principals Survey?
It’s a comprehensive survey developed by and for school leaders and administered through the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) at the University of Minnesota funded jointly by the Minneapolis Foundation and the Joyce Foundation. The express intent of the survey is to elevate the voices of Minnesota principals and school leaders in decision making that bears on PK-12 education in the state.
What kinds of questions are on the survey?
The survey includes questions about the responsibilities of principals, their work environments, their ability to do their jobs and what supports could enhance those abilities. The 2023 survey has been streamlined to reduce the time it takes to complete. General topics include preparation and development, leadership practices, school improvement, management and decision making, and culture and climate. This year’s survey includes a new section on recent policy changes and mental health.
What kinds of questions are on the survey?
The survey is intended for principals, assistant principals, charter school leaders, or anyone directly responsible for leading a public or charter school in Minnesota. The survey is being sent to potential respondents from a statewide list of school leaders published by MDE and supplemented by MASSP and MESPA member lists. If someone does not receive a survey link, they can request one here.
How will my responses be protected?
Data collected via the survey will be kept private by a small team of professional researchers at CAREI using state-of-the-art software designed to store data securely. No information will be shared that will make it possible to identify you, your school, or your district.
How has and will the data be used?
Data from the survey is compiled into a final report that summarizes key findings and reports on specific questions. Insights have and will continue to be shared via presentations with various stakeholders including MSBA, MASA, MESPA, MASSP, MDE, and policymakers. Short research-based recommendations were published in the Policy and Practice Briefs series. NEW in 2023: Summary survey data will be made available for exploration via a Tableau data visualization dashboard.
How long will it take to complete?
This year’s survey has been streamlined to be easier and faster to complete. We estimate the survey will take most participants 25-30 minutes.
Direct questions to Katie Pekel, Project Lead, at kpekel@umn.edu.
Stay in the loop
If you would like us to notify you via email when new reports and findings related to the Minnesota Principals Survey are released, provide your contact info here. We will not share your information with anyone.