Customized Literacy Solutions
When you participate in customized literacy solutions with CAREI experts, you ...
- Support your educators with coaching designed specifically for your school or district
- Engage with experts in the field of structured literacy, backed by the latest research and methods
- Are provided guidance on classroom, school, or district-wide data-based decision making
- Expect trusted guidance for the best practices to meet state and national standards, with an approach tailored specifically for your state
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Example of services offered
Tailored to the needs of your school, leadership team, district, or consortia of schools, CAREI provides ...
- Strategic planning or curriculum reviews
- Formal and informal observations of classroom reading instruction followed by coaching conversations with your educators
- Structures of support to maximize instruction time and lead to efficiencies

You want to support your educators in their professional journeys.
CAREI experts can ...
- Design a professional development plan to assist instructional coaches and literacy leaders in your school or district
- Work with your educators to understand the unique challenges they are facing in the classroom setting

Effective literacy instruction is complex. Let CAREI experts guide you in maximizing instructional time with diverse students through ...
- Refining core instruction to meet the needs of individual learners
- Developing differentiated and challenging independent activities
- Informing higher order talk and writing about text
- Shaping instruction that maximizes students’ cognitive engagement
- Developing school-wide systems of support for effective literacy instruction
- Aligning core instruction with standards, assessments, and interventions

How do you use your data to make informed decisions? Together, you and your CAREI consultant will ...
- Evaluate the data-based decision making your school or district has done in the past
- Use your formative assessment data to guide daily instruction
- Put your data to work crafting a strategic plan informing literacy instruction and supporting the fidelity of structured literacy practices in your school

CAREI offers the following for literacy training, curriculum, and intervention

A comprehensive professional development course designed to support educators in operationalizing structured literacy in their classrooms.

Functional Phonics & Morphology
A comprehensive, evidence-based phonics curriculum which follows a logical progression of phonics based skills from simple to complex for building reading and spelling skills.

PRESS - Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites
Developed by the Minnesota Center for Reading Research at the University of Minnesota, PRESS is a framework for literacy achievement in grades K-5 within a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RtI) context.
Wendy Stuttgen Wendy Stuttgen
- Associate Director of Literacy
- 612-625-1297
Wendy Stuttgen, Ed.S., NCSP is Associate Director of Literacy for CAREI. She is also a certified Minnesota Department of Education sponsored facilitator for Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) and serves on the state and…