CAREIALL: Advancing Language and Literacy

CAREIALL (Advancing Language and Literacy) is a virtual, comprehensive professional development course created by our team of internal and external literacy experts, and designed to support educators in operationalizing the science of reading in their classrooms.
Participants will gain an understanding of the latest evidence-based practices in literacy instruction, as well as the research that supports those practices and guides instructional decision-making. The elements of assessment, enabling MTSS systems, equitable and inclusive practices, and the science of teaching and learning are woven throughout so that educators see a clear connection to these common strategic priorities.
Participants can expect both asynchronous modules, and live, virtual follow-up sessions facilitated by members of CAREI’s literacy team. The asynchronous modules and live content are approximately 65 hours total.
CAREIALL program structure
Asynchronous component
- 8 asynchronous modules
- Approximately 45-50 hours of content
- Accessed through the Canvas platform
- Participants will need access to students for some application portions of their asynchronous work
- Each successive module will be unlocked after the live, synchronous session from the previous module has been completed
Synchronous component
- 1 live one-hour kickoff session
- 8 live two-hour sessions in small cohorts (25-50 per cohort)
- Live sessions accessed through Zoom
- Designed to connect directly to the content of the asynchronous modules and support participants in applying what they’ve learned in their own classrooms, schools, and districts
The entire CAREIALL program, including all synchronous and asynchronous lessons, sessions, and materials, is available for an initial rate of $500 per participant.
Districts implementing CAREIALL receive a discount on Functional Phonics + Morphology foundational skills curriculum! Contact us to learn more.
Live session dates
Complete the form here to set up a district cohort.
For those with less than 25 participants, please add yourself to the waitlist for an open cohort to be organized as interest arises.
Descriptions of CAREIALL modules
This module provides a brief overview of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). Participants will learn about different purposes of assessment, how data are best used, and effective data-based decision making processes. This module defines the science of reading and structured literacy, and highlights some of the seminal research on literacy development and instruction. In addition, models of reading which are commonly referred to by practitioners are introduced.
This module introduces broad instructional considerations which permeate all areas of literacy and are essential components of effective instruction. Included in the module are topics such as: systematic and explicit instruction, knowledge-building, cultural and linguistic responsiveness, motivation and engagement, and types of reading difficulties.
This module introduces oral language development, phonological sensitivity and phonemic awareness, consonant and vowel phonemes, the influence of linguistic and dialectical differences, and best practices for instruction in this area.
Module 4 discusses the importance of phonics instruction including how these skills develop and are best taught to support accurate reading and spelling. Concepts such as building to automaticity and fluency, as well as supporting meaning-making within foundational skills lessons, will also be addressed.
This module examines morphology and explains the importance of morphological instruction for mastery of English, as a morpho-phonemic language. Participants will explore the layers of English as well as best practices for morphological instruction.
In this module, participants will learn about vocabulary and background knowledge as critical pieces of comprehension success. Topics include vocabulary development, best practices for instruction, and ways to honor linguistic diversity.
Module 7 unpacks reading comprehension, its importance, and how it develops. Concepts such as comprehension processing, language and text structures, and verbal reasoning will be addressed, along with the role of strategy instruction.
The importance of writing and how it develops will be explored in module 8. Incorporated concepts include the role of handwriting, sentence composition, the writing process, and supporting students in writing different types of texts for different purposes and audiences.
Frequently asked questions
What is the cost of CAREIALL?
$500 per participant.
What grade level is this appropriate for?
Kindergarten through fifth grade, and general educators and K-12th grade educators who are implementing literacy interventions or providing literacy support.
When can we begin?
June 2024 or later. A session schedule will be created in collaboration with your district/school.
Which educators would benefit from the CAREIALL course?
Striving readers need literacy support across their day. Ideally, all educators are aware of the science of reading so that every educator can capitalize on teachable moments wherever and whenever they occur. We highly recommend that speech language pathologists, special education teachers, and Teachers of Multilingual Learners participate in CAREIALL. The decision to include other specialists, such as science, PE, and/or music teachers, depends on your local school/district goals for professional learning and plans for instructional practice.
How much time is recommended between each asynchronous and synchronous session?
2-3 weeks. The training is designed for asynchronous and synchronous learning to take place over multiple weeks so there is opportunity for application and reflection. All content builds on previous content.
What is the minimum and maximum number of participants?
The minimum is 25 for district specific cohorts. There is no maximum for the total number of participants in a district cohort; however, live sessions will be capped at 50 participants. For large districts, multiple live sessions can be scheduled concurrently when necessary. If you are a district with fewer than 25 total participants, please reach out to us to determine if other options are available.
Does the district need to provide facilitators? Will there be training for the facilitators?
Districts should provide 1 facilitator for every 30 participants to support engagement, application, and accountability in their local context. As part of their role, facilitators will encourage and moderate discussions that happen in breakout groups during the 2-hour live session time, moderate discussions, and review participants’ progress. They will document completion and quality of application activities, and share questions and relevant information with the live session instructor to support individualization of the live sessions. We will provide a facilitator's guide to the designated district/school facilitators prior to the live sessions.
How long are the live sessions?
The live sessions are 2 hours each, 8 in total (one per module). There is also a 1 hour live kickoff session. The timing of the live sessions will be coordinated with your district. We recommend scheduling a live session every 2-3 weeks so there is opportunity for application and reflection. The live sessions must occur after the asynchronous content is completed.
How many hours is CAREIALL training?
The asynchronous content is approximately 45-50 hours. Everyone reads and processes at different rates, so this time is an estimate only, based on average experiences of previous participants. The live content is an additional 16 hours, bringing the CAREIALL training total to approximately 65 hours. Participants will be able to work at their own pace between live sessions, allowing time to transfer knowledge to their classroom practice and document their journey.
Are the live sessions in-person?
CAREIALL live sessions are hosted through Zoom and are conducted by CAREI professional learning facilitators. The sessions include dedicated breakout periods in order to work collaboratively around putting the knowledge learned in the asynchronous sessions into practice in the local context (classroom, school, district, etc.). We suggest that participants designate local facilitators at a ratio of 1 per 30 individuals to guide their respective groups effectively. Participants should gather from their own respective location/device. This will allow us to verify attendance.
What happens if someone misses a live session?
The individual should work with their district facilitator to make up the work missed in the live session. They must also complete all optional reflection activities in the respective asynchronous module.
Is there a syllabus?
See the CAREIALL website for a general course outline. A detailed scope and sequence will be available starting summer, 2024.
Does CAREIALL address the needs of multilingual learners?
Participants will be introduced to instructional considerations which are useful when supporting and assessing the literacy development of multilingual learners. These ideas are woven throughout the modules. Attention is also given to the sometimes hidden strengths multilingual learners can bring to the classroom.
Do these modules align with the IDA Knowledge and Practice Standards?
Yes, more information can be found here: IDA Knowledge and Practice Standards Crosswalk
Who do I contact if I have additional questions?
Complete the inquiry form or email