Mengchen Su
Research Associate
LES RM 425
1954 Buford Ave - 612-624-6366

Areas of interest
Social emotional learning (SEL)
Access and equity
Comparative and international education
Learning informatics
Quantitative research methods
Mengchen Su is an educational researcher with expertise in quantitative research methods and large-scale data analysis. She earned her PhD and MA degree in Educational Psychology and Quantitative Methods from the University at Buffalo. In 2023, she joined the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI) as a research associate, where she works on longitudinal data analysis using the Minnesota Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) to better understand the experiences of historically marginalized groups of students and educators.
She has actively led and collaborated on numerous research projects utilizing quantitative methods and applied statistics to enhance school effectiveness and facilitate whole child development in K-12 education, with a particular emphasis on promoting educational equity and diversity. Prior to her work at CAREI, her postdoctoral research evaluated the integration of school climate and social-emotional data into a K-12 dropout early warning system.
Mengchen is deeply committed to advancing the education field and actively seeks out opportunities to collaborate with fellow researchers and educators who are interested in social emotional learning, school effectiveness and improvement, diversity and equity, comparative and international education, and related topics.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Su, M., & Lee, J. (2022). Eastern versus Western gaps in whole child education: how school climate works for academic achievement and well-being across China, Korea, Finland, and the United States. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 1-22.
Lee, J., Kim, N., & Su, M. (2021). Immigrant and international college students’ learning gaps: Improving academic and sociocultural readiness for career and graduate/professional education. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2, 100047.
Lee, J., Kim, T., & Su, M. (2021). Reassessing school effectiveness: Multi-objective value-added measures (MOVAM) of academic and socioemotional learning. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 68, 100972.
Conference Proceeding:
Su, M., Olson, L. A., Jarratt, D. C., Varma, S., Konstan, J. A., Keller, R., & Chen, B. (2022). Re-envisioning a K-12 early warning system with school climate factors. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale.
Book Chapters:
Lee, J., & Su, M. (2022). Re-envisioning American Education Reform: How and Why Whole Community Environment Matters for Whole Child Development. In J. Lee & K. Wong (Eds.), Centering Whole-Child Development in Global Education Reform: International Perspectives on Agendas for Educational Equity and Quality. Routledge.
Yang, Y., Su, M., & Liu, R. (2022). Concepts and Applications of Multivariate Multilevel (MVML) Analysis and Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MLSEM). In M.S. Khine (Eds.), Methodology for Multilevel Modeling in Educational Research: Concepts and Applications. Springer, Singapore.
Su, M. & Chen, B. (2023, Apr 13- 16). School-Wide Approaches to Social Emotional Learning on Immigrant Students’ Development in the U.S. and Finland. AERA2023 Annual Meeting, United States.
Su, M., Olson, L. A., Jarratt, D. C., Varma, S., Konstan, J. A., Keller, R., & Chen, B. (2023, Apr 13- 16). Integrating School Climate Factors in a K-12 Early Warning System: An Exploratory Study. AERA2023 Annual Meeting, United States.
Lee, J. & Su, M. (2023, Apr 13- 16). Re-envisioning American Education Reform: How and Why Whole Community Environment Matters for Whole-Child Development. International Relations Committee, AERA2023 Annual Meeting, United States.
Su, M. (2022, Aug 4 - 6). The Causal Effect of School Climate on Whole-Child Development in Korea: A Propensity Score Analysis. APA2022 Convention, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Su, M. (2022, Aug 4 - 6). Taking a Whole Community Approach on Supporting U.S. Children's Socioemotional Learning on 2019 NSCH [Poster session]. APA2022 Convention, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Su, M. (2022, Apr 18 - 22). Leaving Home, Living Abroad: Chinese International Students and their Engagement on American Campuses. CIES Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
Su, M. (2022, Mar 12 - 14). Head or Heart? Envisioning School Accountability for Whole Child Development [Poster session]. AEFP Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States.
Su, M. & Kim, S. (2021, Aug 12 - 14). Opportunity, Engagement to Learn, and Students Math Literacy: A Structural Model on PISA2012. APA2021 Convention, United States.
Su, M. & Lee, J. (2021, Apr 9 - 12). Whole Child Education: China, Korea, Finland, and the U.S. Students’ Academic Achievement and Socioemotional Well-being. AERA Annual Meeting, United States.
Lee, J., Kim, N., & Su, M. (2021, Apr 9 - 12). Do High-Impact Practices Work for College Success? Mixed-Methods Research on Academic and Sociocultural Learning Inequalities. AERA Annual Meeting, United States.
Su, M. (2020, Aug 6 - 8). Stratification of High School Student Engagement, and the Transition to the Postsecondary Education: A Cox Regression Survival Analysis. APA2020 Convention, United States.
Su, M. (2020, Aug 6 - 8). Digital Literacy and Academic Competencies: A Comparative Study of Chinese and Korean Students’ Math Achievement. APA2020 Convention, United States.
Su, M. & Lee, J. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). Smart and Happy Together? A Comparative Study of Korean Versus U.S. Students' Achievement and Well-Being [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA, United States.
Lee, J., Kim, N. & Su, M. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). Immigrant and International College Students' Gaps: Academic and Sociocultural Readiness for Career and Graduate Education [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA, United States.