Customized Literacy Solutions
When you participate in customized literacy solutions with CAREI experts, you ...
- Support your educators with coaching designed specifically for your school or district
- Engage with experts in the field of structured literacy, backed by the latest research and methods
- Are provided guidance on classroom, school, or district-wide data-based decision making
- Expect trusted guidance for the best practices to meet state and national standards, with an approach tailored specifically for your state
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Example of services offered
Tailored to the needs of your school, leadership team, district, or consortia of schools, CAREI provides ...
- Strategic planning or curriculum reviews
- Formal and informal observations of classroom reading instruction followed by coaching conversations with your educators
- Structures of support to maximize instruction time and lead to efficiencies

CAREI offers the following for literacy training, curriculum, and intervention

A comprehensive professional development course designed to support educators in operationalizing structured literacy in their classrooms.

Functional Phonics & Morphology
A comprehensive, evidence-based phonics curriculum which follows a logical progression of phonics based skills from simple to complex for building reading and spelling skills.

PRESS - Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites
Developed by the Minnesota Center for Reading Research at the University of Minnesota, PRESS is a framework for literacy achievement in grades K-5 within a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RtI) context.
Wendy Stuttgen Wendy Stuttgen
- Associate Director of Literacy
- 612-625-1297
Wendy Stuttgen, Ed.S., NCSP is Associate Director of Literacy for CAREI. She is also a certified Minnesota Department of Education sponsored facilitator for Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) and serves on the state and…